Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wrong Job

I haven't made an entry in a few days - I lost motivation - but I am back now albeit without photos for about 2 months.

Bailey has gone to a few different Daycare Centres throughout his young life as we moved around. He was in a ABC centre in Brisbane when he first started, then we moved down to the Gold Coast so he went to an ABC centre down there. When we moved back up to Brisbane we put him back into the first ABC centre he went to.

Unfortunately I quickly became unsatisfied with the centre, especially the 'carers' at that centre. So we took him out.

One day we were driving home & even though we had seen the centre that was literally up the road from us, we hadn't even thought to try there. So Matt went in to ask about whether they had a 'Pre-Prep' program to prepare Bailey for school the following year & the director/owner, David, suggested we go in for an 'interview' to talk about the program. So we did & goodness we were impressed! Qualified staff - not just childcare trained - the leader in the Pre-Prep room had a diploma in Education as well!

We were instantly in agreeance that we should send Bailey here - even my usually shy, timid Bailey was eager to stay & play!

Fast forward a few months & Bailey was just thriving! He loved it & frequently got upset when it wasn't a Kindy day!

A few months later, Jocelyn was old enough (& VERY eager) to attend. The woman looking after Jo was an old friend from school too so that worked out well & Jocelyn settled in really well!

Bailey went off to school this year, & so Jo had to go to Kindy on her own - but she still loves it just as much!

Recently though, carers have been leaving & a string of relief carers have been coming & going. All this change makes me anxious & I'm sure Jo felt the same. Things settled down though & the new permanent staff were lovely & Jocelyn adores them!

Though this morning when I was dropping Jo off I saw that a woman who I was not very fond off was in Jo's room. Another woman, whom I & Jo are quite fond of was there too, so I didn't worry too much.

However, after I had put Jo's stuff away I was signing her in right next to the door, & the woman I am not fond of had returned to the room after leaving a few minutes before & I heard her talking to a child. What got my attention was her tone. It was downright nasty - no other way of describing it. So my ears perked up & I listened. I then heard her say "You are DISGUSTING" to this boy. My mouth dropped open! I turned to look & heard her say it again, as well as other threatening comments! I could not believe what I had heard!

Obviously she didn't know that I was in the room as when I then went to leave (after debating whether to take Jocelyn home with me after that! But luckily she was not in Jo's room that day) she must have then noticed me & came over to me with a panicked & flustered look on her face, & stuttered something about him pushing her all morning. I just shook my head at her & left.

I told Matt about it & he called David, the owner/director & explained what happened but David was already aware of her & how she is with the children & she had already been fired & was finishing out the week.

What kind of horrid person works with children & then treats them like that?

So glad she will not be at the centre anymore while my children are!

Peace out

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