Monday, November 29, 2010

What a night!

Gosh tonight has been interesting!

The kids are currently getting over an illness which involved lethargy, fevers, coughs & upset tummy. It then goes away for about 12 hours, only to return with another fever & lethargy. So tonight was Bailey's turn for the return. We had to give him ventolin as his cough was getting very bad. It helped ... a little. He was soon complaining of a headache from coughing, so I sent him to bed with a wet face washer on his head & neck.

He came out complaining again - just as Maximus began fussing because he was tired, teething & has a wee belly ache. It's OK - I can handle this. I have no pain relief for Bailey's headache, so I quickly duck out to get something.

Get home & Bailey seems fine, but I give him some pain & fever relief tissue salts anyway. Send him back to bed & attempt to boob Maximus to sleep. He proceeds to kick, squirm, moan & pull off for a while. 10 deep breaths, he will go to sleep soon. This goes on for a bit longer & I can hear Bailey is still coughing in his room. Soon enough Bailey is in our room again. This time he is sobing, coughing, sobing, sniffing, coughing, grasping his head & almost howling in pain.

Matt goes to him & he is able to have another tissue salt now. Max wakes up but continues boobing. Matt takes Bailey out to the lounge room. I am torn. Maximus needs me to go back to sleep but my heart is aching to hold my big boy as he sobs on the couch in his Daddy's arms. I pull Maximus off because I just can't keep myself away from Bailey anymore. He doesn't move, phew.

I go out to Bailey & cuddle him & stroke his hair to relax him. He calms down & stops coughing & therefore his headache gets a bit better.

Next thing I hear Maximus wake up. UGH!

Back I go, try to pat him back to sleep but he is squirming around again, so I lay back down with him & give him the boob. The lounge room is quiet at least. A few minutes later I see Matty carrying Bailey back to his bed & again I feel pulled to make sure Bailey is OK. Maximus seems to be in a deep sleep so I take him off again & this time he *really* doesn't move.

I go in to Bailey's room, Matt is laying beside him stroking his hair & Bailey appears to be asleep. PHEW!

I look up at Jocelyn (who shares a room with Bailey) & notice that her undies that are peaking out of her nighty are slightly darker than they should be. "Is she wet?" I ask Matt - Yep he nods! It's OK, we'll just change it all.

We've become quite good at tandem changing sheets in the middle of the night now. We get it all ready, one changes the wet child, one changes the bed & they are back in bed all snuggled up before they even have a chance to wake up properly.

So that's all done & dusted. Matt & I stand in the hall way looking at each other, waiting for something else to happen. We blow out the breath we have been holding & manage a smile.

I joke that maybe we should check Cooper 'just in case'. We giggle a little but head to his room anyway. Open his door & we are hit the God awful stench of SHIT! Yes I swore because it was FOUL!

Everybody with me now 'UGH!'

So I get everything ready & leaning into his cot & manage to keep my dinner down while I change his stinky nappy. Cooper briefly wakes but just lays there, probably thankful for the clean bum!

By now, we're not giggling. By now, we're wondering WTF is going on!

& on that note, I must go - Maximus is waking up again!


Peace out

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Student of the Week!

Matt & I were both worried about how Bailey would take to Prep. Bailey does not cope well with big changes so we were concerned that the transition from Pre-Prep to Prep, a whole new environment, people etc, might've been too much for him.

He prooved us wrong & has continued to prove us wrong & amaze us every day. His first day of school he surprised us by how at ease he was. We had done lots of preparatory talks & drives past the school & commenting about how he would be going there soon & he seemed really eager. Even when we went to the information day he was excited - even though he didn't leave my side when given the option to go play while I talked to the teachers.

Anyway, back to his first day. He stayed by our sides a bit, but soon enough he was happy to go & sit on the carpet & read a book quietly with himself. Matt & I glanced at each other silently wondering when our little boy had grown up!

Soon after we mentioned to Bailey that we were going to go soon. He wasn't fazed at all! So we took advantage of this & decided to go. That was hard for me! I'm very protective of Bailey & wish I could have stayed with him all day! But he was fine & had a FANTASTIC day!

He has absolutely loved school ever since!

What has surprised us even more is how well he is doing with his reading & writing! He has amazed us & his teachers. Every time we talk to his teacher she sings him praise about how well he is doing in Prep!

The other week he excitedly told us how Mrs Gamer was so impressed with him because he was able to sound out & spell 'banana' all on his own! Apparently Mrs Gamer told him that it looked like a teacher had written it because it was so neat! He was mighty proud of himself, as were we!

Anyway, I'm getting carried away again.

The principal Mr Matthewson rang us on Friday morning to let us know that Bailey would be getting a Student of the Week this week so we could be there for it. This is his 2nd for the year.

So we went along & sat up the back & my eyes welled up as Mr Matthewson called my boy's name & up goes my little guy who has suddenly gotten so much bigger, so quickyl, & hands him his well deserved award. I swelled with pride as I heard his little voice in the micrpophone say "Thank you". Even though he was shy standing up in front of all those people, he still remembered his manners!

My heart is so full of love for this little big man of mine, that I feel it could burst!

I'm so proud of you Bailey, you're truly amazing!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cooper Time

Tuesdays & Fridays are the days that Jocelyn goes to Kindy. On these days Bailey is also at school - so it's just Matty, me & the 2 little boys.

These days are Cooper's favourite days of the week I reckon! Don't get me wrong he LOVES his siblings & loves fighting, I mean - playing with Bailey & Jocelyn, but for just 2 days a week he is able to play by himself.

He is able to play with ANY toy he gets his hot little hands on!

He gets to sit & colour without getting the crayons ripped out of his hands.

He gets to play in the little play car outside without having to stop to take turns with anyone.

He gets to have cuddles with Mummy & Daddy without being interrupted.

Although he has a ball without them - it's priceless watching his little face light up when we go & get Bay & Jo!

Cooper is such a loving little boy. He has so much love for just about anyone.

Peace out

Monday, October 18, 2010

Not a Happy Chap

I think my poor little Lamb is not well. I expected it - I've almost lost my voice after being infected with a cold. He hasn't been very happy at all today, no matter what I do. Actually, he wasn't very happy overnight either. He woke about every 1-2hours! He never even did that as a newborn, so I knew something was up. He would have a quick feed then fall back asleep. But then he would start tossing & turning & fussing. I cuddled him most of the night which seemed to help him get a little bit of sleep. Poor little guy, I hate it when they are sick.

Today he has been just as upset - though, bless him, he has still managed to smile at us a fair bit! But all he wanted to do was feed & when he would get upset he would cry out & then cough, then cry some more - guess his throat is sore too. So I just fed him lots to soothe his poor throat & he perked up a bit.

But I had some orders to finish & was *so* close to finishing when Maxi started to fuss as he needed to sleep but was too upset to drift off. So Matty took him outside for a bit. I went out to see how Maxi was doing a little while later & Matty was playing with the kids on the driveway. He was laying on his back on the driveway & was holding Maxi above him. I sat down beside Matty & Max saw me & let out a delighted squeal & my heart lifted just to see him happy again. In his excitement Max forgot to swallow & Dada caught a big faceful of Maxi dribble! Yum!

Here's hoping he sleeps well tonight & wakes up feeling better in the morning!

Peace out

Sunday, October 17, 2010


When Maximus was a newborn I carried him in a ring sling. Soon enough though he was too big & more aware of his surroundings so he didn't want to be lying down, hiding away anymore. He wanted to sit up. So I decided to use the Baby Bjorn that I had - then I read about how they aren't the best for baby's spine so I bought a mei tai carrier.

I loved it, it was the best carrier I've ever bought & Maximus was so comfy & secure as well!

So I started wearing him around every time we went out & sometimes at home as needed. Though I found it hard to do some house duties with him on my front, so I'd end up just walking around getting frustrated at things I could not do.

Matt also loved wearing Max in the mei tai & sometimes when we went out we would argue over who's 'turn' it was to wear the baby - I always won of course!

A little off track but on Saturday we were at Jo's dance class & because she is only new we stay in the room while she dances. Max was in the mei tai & was tired & started to crack. I worried that they would ask us to leave the room which would upset Jocelyn & didn't want to unwrap the mei tai & lug it around etc so I somehow manoeuvred my shirt, his mouth all the while keeping it discreet & I breastfed him to sleep while standing there watching my daughter dance - AWESOME moment. Not much to some, but it was a moment of triumph for me.

Ok, so back on track. Today Maximus was fussing, Matt was mowing the lawn & I desperately needed to get some housework done. So I grabbed the mei tai & got Matt's help to get Maximus settled on my back. At first it actually felt a bit odd - but after a bit it was really comfy!

I leant forward to do something & felt Max put his cheek on my back - then I felt it get heavier. He had falled asleep. I walked past the mirror in our room to have a look & yep he was snuggled in, fast asleep.

So with him like that I hung out 2 loads of washing, swept the floors inside & the concrete outside where Matt was mowing & then I had to take the mei tai off as it was beginning to hurt my shoulders. But it was SO nice to be able to get my chores done & keep Maximus happy (or asleep) at the same time!

Now I have no excuse for a messy house!

Peace out

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Nephew!!

Today I became an aunty again!

My brother Matt & his wife Jaime welcomed a healthy baby boy, Mason Owen, into the world just after lunch time today! 

Matt & Jaime have been together for many years & in a few weeks will celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary! What a better way than with a squishy newborn!

I have only seen photos that my Mum took when she was privileged
enough to go up & see the new family tonight & he looks VERY cute! I cannot wait to meet him!

Congratulations again to the newest parents , welcome to the world little Mason, & welcome to parenthood Matt & Jaime. Your bubba boy chose awesome parents!

Peace out

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wrong Job

I haven't made an entry in a few days - I lost motivation - but I am back now albeit without photos for about 2 months.

Bailey has gone to a few different Daycare Centres throughout his young life as we moved around. He was in a ABC centre in Brisbane when he first started, then we moved down to the Gold Coast so he went to an ABC centre down there. When we moved back up to Brisbane we put him back into the first ABC centre he went to.

Unfortunately I quickly became unsatisfied with the centre, especially the 'carers' at that centre. So we took him out.

One day we were driving home & even though we had seen the centre that was literally up the road from us, we hadn't even thought to try there. So Matt went in to ask about whether they had a 'Pre-Prep' program to prepare Bailey for school the following year & the director/owner, David, suggested we go in for an 'interview' to talk about the program. So we did & goodness we were impressed! Qualified staff - not just childcare trained - the leader in the Pre-Prep room had a diploma in Education as well!

We were instantly in agreeance that we should send Bailey here - even my usually shy, timid Bailey was eager to stay & play!

Fast forward a few months & Bailey was just thriving! He loved it & frequently got upset when it wasn't a Kindy day!

A few months later, Jocelyn was old enough (& VERY eager) to attend. The woman looking after Jo was an old friend from school too so that worked out well & Jocelyn settled in really well!

Bailey went off to school this year, & so Jo had to go to Kindy on her own - but she still loves it just as much!

Recently though, carers have been leaving & a string of relief carers have been coming & going. All this change makes me anxious & I'm sure Jo felt the same. Things settled down though & the new permanent staff were lovely & Jocelyn adores them!

Though this morning when I was dropping Jo off I saw that a woman who I was not very fond off was in Jo's room. Another woman, whom I & Jo are quite fond of was there too, so I didn't worry too much.

However, after I had put Jo's stuff away I was signing her in right next to the door, & the woman I am not fond of had returned to the room after leaving a few minutes before & I heard her talking to a child. What got my attention was her tone. It was downright nasty - no other way of describing it. So my ears perked up & I listened. I then heard her say "You are DISGUSTING" to this boy. My mouth dropped open! I turned to look & heard her say it again, as well as other threatening comments! I could not believe what I had heard!

Obviously she didn't know that I was in the room as when I then went to leave (after debating whether to take Jocelyn home with me after that! But luckily she was not in Jo's room that day) she must have then noticed me & came over to me with a panicked & flustered look on her face, & stuttered something about him pushing her all morning. I just shook my head at her & left.

I told Matt about it & he called David, the owner/director & explained what happened but David was already aware of her & how she is with the children & she had already been fired & was finishing out the week.

What kind of horrid person works with children & then treats them like that?

So glad she will not be at the centre anymore while my children are!

Peace out

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Little Mum

Ever since we had Cooper in 2008 Jocelyn has been a little Miss Mum. She would attempt to change Cooper's nappy & clothes when she was only 18 months old & want to carry & burp him.

As she has gotten older, as has he, she seems to have lost interest & he is now simply the annoying brother who doesn't listen. Nor does he want to comply with her when she demands he lay down on her makeshift bed & go to sleep!

Every now & then Cooper will let Jocelyn dress him in the mornings. Sometimes he will succumb & lay on the hard floor & pretend to be asleep while she places a cot sheet over him & gently pats his bum.

Jocelyn was so excited to be getting another baby in the family while I was pregnant with Lamb. She would sit next to me & be in hysterics watching my belly jump & roll. Sometimes she would pretend *her* baby was kicking her too, especially when I would complain that baby was kicking me rather hard!

Her first meeting with Maximus involved her attempting to undress him! I knew we were really in for it this time & I would have to watch her like a hawk.

Jocelyn is so wonderful with Maxi - they all are actually. He is the centre of attention most days & he just loves his brothers & sister so much!

Get to the point of the blog Katie!

Right ...

Today I was sitting on the couch feeding Maximus & talking to Matt about something not important enough to mention here - because then I would go on a tangent, like I'm doing right now! - & Jocelyn was sitting quietly with us.
When there was a lull in conversation I glanced down at Jo & she was watching me intently & it was then that I noticed that she was holding her baby doll to her breast!

My heart swelled with pride at this - even more so when I realised she was watching me intently & then positioning herself, legs, arm, head  -everything, to be in the exact same position as what mine was at that time.

My eyes welled up. Such a precious moment.

Then, she looked at me with confusion. She glanced down at her chest, up at me, back down to her chest. I saw the question on her lips before she spoke. She pointed to her little breast & asked 'Mumma, is this my boobie?'

'Yes baby, it is' I answered her in between giggles.

My beautiful little woman, Mama loves you baby girl!

Peace out

P.S. This picture isn't from today, it was taken about a month ago - there won't be any pictures til at least next month as I don't have a camera anymore :-( I'm sure I will make up for it when I do though!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I cannot believe how close it is to Christmas again already! I feel like not so long ago it was Christmas last year!

This year it will be baby Maximus' first Christmas! We haven't discussed what we will be doing, except that we are going to stay home this year instead of dragging the poor kids around again. It's just too hard (& hot) with all 4 kids. I'm sure the kids will love staying home & spending the day playing with their new presents (in the air con!) anyway.

I had been looking for some Christmas fabric to make some gorgeous Christmas nappies too but hadn't had much luck. Then I scored some luscious Christmas print minky in a last minute co-op.

So this weekend I went scouting for some more. Lincraft yesterday had a very small amount so decided to head to Spotlight today. They had 20% off EVERYTHING too - so that was a bonus.

I was in fabric heaven there & am so glad I took Matt with me to limit me!! There was SO much Christmas fabric, I should have just gone there first! & all the other luscious fabric - oh my, fabric overload!

So anyway, I cannot wait to get started making some gorgeous Christmas nappies & I'm quite excited about Christmas also!

Peace out

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Animal Lover

When my niece, LiiLa, turned 2 in July, my sister organised a mobile farm to come to their house for LiiLa's party. I just knew my kids would have a ball, I just didn't realise how much.

Bailey & Cooper were rather hesitant about the animals, but Miss Jocelyn was a natural. She loved petting them all & didn't bat an eyelid when they jumped on her, or nipped her or barrelled her over. She loved it all.

I don't know why I was surprised, she adores our dogs & any other animal she comes into contact with really. But her ease with them was just magical to see.

After LiiLa's party I told Matt that I thought we should have a similar party for Jo's 4th birthday in March next year. She would LOVE that!

Today we went to play at a place called 'King Country'. There the kids could play on the play ground, jumping castle & there was also a pen of farm animals up the back.

Naturally Jocelyn gravitated straight for the animals. She couldn't get in there fast enough & when she did, it was uncanny the way the animals drifted to her & stood by her with ease. She went around & petted every animal in the pen (bar some turkeys that ran away from everyone!). The look on her face was that of love.

How proud I am of my little animal lover.

Peace out

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


When I was younger, my family would go to a local national park called Venmans. Venmans was named after a great man - John Venman, who was known as 'Jack'. He was a great bushman & had a great love for the bush.

I can remember when we would go there & Jack's house was in the property & there was always at least 10 kangaroos lazing in his front yard. There are walking tracks around the park, which also acted as firebreaks. There is also numerous BBQs & benches which we used for relaxing morning teas/lunches.

Thankfully there were also toilets put in. Though they were those 'drop off' type toilets, which I was *always* terrified of. What if I fell down? What is spiders/snakes/something creepy came UP it? Ewwwww

Anyway, moving on ...

I have many childhood memories of walking the tracks at Venmans. We carried long sticks & used them as walking sticks. We would spot a few kanagroos as we walked along the track. We'd stop, stand real still & just watch them. They'd stare back at us, twitch their ears, maybe rub their noses with their 'hands', then gently & mostly silently hop away through the long grass.

About 18 months or so ago I took my children to Venmans for the first time. It was also the first time I'd been there since Jack passed away. I was shocked & saddened  by how much it had changed. Jack's house was gone. In it's place was a vacant bit of land with overgrown grass. It blended with the rest of the park & I was momentarily disoriented. I understand why it was knocked down, but with it gone, the homey feeling was also gone.

Besides that, there was next to no kangaroos to be seen on the property. It was rare to see any now.

Just before we found out that we were expecting baby Maximus we visited Venmans with my Dad. We were just about to leave when someone spotted a kangaroo! As we looked closer it was a Mum kangaroo with a teeny baby in her pouch! I believed it to be a sign & sure enough in the next few weeks we discovered we were pregnant!

Moving along again ...

I decided to take the kids to Venmans again today. Typically there were no kangaroos to be seen & I still didn't enjoy it as much as I had when I was a child, but the kids seemed to have a ball.

I would like to give thanks to a dedicated bushman, Jack Venman, who gave so much of his life to making such a fantastic national park. Thank you, Jack, it isn't the same without you, mate.

Peace out

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dancing in the Rain!

Did you ever have those moments in your childhood when your parents said 'no' to something, or wouldn't let you do something that you thought would be SO much fun? Then when you get a bit older you say things like "I will never say 'no' when I'm a Mum/Dad!' or 'I'll let my kids [insert activity here]'?

I have had a few of those moments throughout my almost 6 years as a Mum. I will admit, I do understand where my parents were coming from with most of the 'no' pile of activities, especially now that I have children of my own.

I often find myself saying 'no' when the kids ask to do stuff - like jumping off the couch, climbing that gigantic tree, running into the ocean when we don't have any towels/change of clothes in the car - & then when they ask me 'why?', I usually do not have any other reason than 'because I said no'!

So I've made a pact (?) that if I don't have a really good reason as to why I've said no, then I don't get to say no!

So this afternoon when it started raining & Jocelyn asked me if she could go play outside, what did I say??


I said - "Sure, why not!" - Why did I say this? Because I couldn't find a good enough reason as to why they couldn't play in the rain! - Come on, keep up people! - The shower would be waiting to clean & warm them up when they were done.

I don't think the kids knew what to do -Mum actually said YES! They took off at full speed (Jocelyn had a quick pit stop for a costume change) & had a ball dancing in the rain together. Poor Pooper missed out - he was busy snoozin'

I must continue to say yes more often - it felt very liberating.

Peace out

Monday, September 27, 2010


For a few days Matt had been hinting at the fact that he really wanted to go sit by the water & fish & chips for dinner one night soon. But it hadn't happened - too cold, too late, kids are too cranky etc etc

So yesterday I forgot to lift any meat out for dinner so we decided to get some fish & chips & head for the park by the water to eat.

Not long after we arrived I noticed Bailey jumping around in his seat. I asked him what was wrong - even though I knew what it was. He needed to do a wee!

The last few weeks Bailey has gotten into this really bad habit of, when we are out of the house, holding it for as long as possible & *then* tells me he needs to go! So usually it's a 'pull over NOW' & then he wee's on the closest tree (or wheel of the car, or just plain old on the road/footpath!) - not the most ideal situation but it's either that or a soaking wet car seat & a completely upset, humiliated little person.

So anyway, when he told me he needed to wee on this night, I knew we wouldn't make it to the toilets that were a fair way away. So I glanced around to make sure no one was around & then told him to quickly go & wee on the big tree.

A really cheeky, sly grin crossed his face as I said this. I mean, tell a kid he can pee on a gigantic tree & they're gonna think it's pretty cool, but there was something else in Bailey's eye that made this idea even more appealing. When I asked him what he was thinking he proudly announced "This is gonna make the tree grow *really* well!", then with another smirk, walked over & did his part to help out this tree.

The only thing was - this wasn't a small tree & didn't particularly need any help growing - but who am I to burst his bubble?

Peace out

P.S. He's not really wee'ing in this pic - it's a re-enactment *wink*

Sunday, September 26, 2010

3 Months!

My little baby Maximus is 3 months old today!

Gosh how the time flies. It feels like just yesterday that we found out we were expecting another wee babe! I thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant & while I was eager to meet my new squishy, I also never wanted my pregnancy to end!

Maximus has brought me more joy, happiness & love than I could have expected. I never thought I would be able to spread my love so wide, but I have somehow managed it.

Maximus began smiling at just 10 days old. I can remember the moment so very clearly. I was picking JoJo up from Kindy & it was the first time I had been in there since Maxi was born so of course all the women there crowded around me. They were all admiring Maxi & talking to him when I heard one of the women say "Aww look at that!" & when I glanced down at Max he was staring at my face & there, on his face, was his first ever smile. I had a moment of doubt - maybe it was just wind/coincidence, but then I glanced at him again & he looked right into my eyes & smiled again & this time I knew it was real!

Ever since this first smile he *always* seems to have a smile on his face. He is a very happy, content baby!

He has rolled belly to back once, but I don't put him down long enough for him to do it again! I love wearing him in the mei tai, but he isn't a big fan unless we are walking or he is tired. I think he is eager to get down & play with the other kids!

I could go on & on about him, I really could, he is amazing!

But I shall refrain & leave you with this picture of my gorgeous little guy.

Happy 3 Months my sweet little dude!

Peace out

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Boobin' Outdoors

Like everynight that I make a blog entry, I asked Matt to read last night's entry & tell me what he thought. Apart from his usual "It's great babe," he also mentioned that I should write a blog about me for once, instead of about others - so here it is! Well, it also includes Lamb too.

Most of the time when we go out I will feed Lamb in the car or somehere secluded, depending on where we are. It's not because I am ashamed of breastfeeding, or anything like that. I do it for a few reasons - 1) My own comfort
2) I know a minority of people may get uncomfortable & I hate to make others squirm (unless they have annoyed me!)
3) There are some down right nasty & rude people that think breastfeeding in public is wrong & are not afraid of making their thoughts known

This latter has never happened to me (yet!) & for that I am grateful, but I am fearful of this happening as anyone who knows me will know that I do not like to upset/anger others nor do I like confrontation.

Anyway, today we were at the park again & Lamb was beginning to fuss because he was getting hungry & I didn't want to go all the way back to the car so I decided to sit on the bench right there & feed my baby. So I did.

Even though I was a bit anxious because there was an older man there to my right with his sons that gave me a cautionary glance as I set about attaching Lamb, but I turned away so he couldn't see me & so I couldn't see him either.

I sat there feeding for a bit & when I glanced back toward the older man he saw me look & rudely turned his back on me, even though he was talking to his son, who was near me & therefore now behind his back also. I tried to ignore it, & just kept on feeding my baby.

Eventually Lamb detached & grinned up at me, as he does after a satisfying feed & I instantly forgot about the rude man. He had left anyway.

While I am so glad he never said anything, I am also slightly disapointed that I didn't get to use my 'If breastfeeding offends you, feel free to put a blanket over YOUR head!' line.

Peace out

Friday, September 24, 2010


Tuesday & Friday's are Jocelyn's Kindy days. When Bailey is on school holidays she never really seems keen to go to Kindy for fear she will miss out on some fun. But today she was happy to go along, even better when Daddy said he would drop her off for something different!

While Matt was off dropping JoJo off I went about my morning cleaning ritual & continued after Matt got home. I had my music up loud - it helps me get into it more - & singing & dancing around the house when I realised that something was missing.

My little shadow wasn't behind me helping me, or standing so close that I step on her toes accidently, or seeing the hillarity in sitting on her bottom, holding my leg & scooting along the tiles while I walk from room to room. It was quiet. It was lonely.

As I glanced around I realised that I really was alone. I wandered down to the other end of the house glancing into each room as I passed it, but still found none of my little people. I could hear the clicking of Matt's fingers on his keyboard as he worked down the office but nothing else. I was just about to turn around & go see if the kiddies were outside when I heard a rather delighted squeal come from the office.

What I saw as I walked into the office was so heart-warming. All of my special men (big & little) were piled onto one chair - yes ONE chair! They were all completely enthralled in Matt's computer game (I guess he wasn't working after all! ) & I wished my little woman was there to keep me company.

I quickly & quietly took a photo, while smiling to myself, then left them to enjoy their time together as well as enjoy some 'me' time - even if it was spent doing the housework!

Peace out

Thursday, September 23, 2010

All Aboard!

This morning when I heard the delivery man's van coming up the street I felt a pang of excitement! A shipment of delicious minky was due to arrive at my door any day now!

The van slowly made it's way down the street & then came to a stop over the road & the delivery man came towards my door! It's here!!!

I went to go & meet him at the door, then glanced down & realised I was still in my PJ's - one of Matt's old, ratty singlets & underwear! Probably should get dressed first, so I ran to my room & pulled the first clothes I could find over my PJs - all the while getting strange stares from my kids.

I answered the door with Maxi in my arms & the delivery man (who knows us pretty well now that I get packages every few days!) commented on how big Maxi was getting then handed a massive box to Bailey to carry for me (which BB loved!).

It was like Christmas at our place! There were 4 bundles all wrapped in tissue paper in the box, so Bailey & Jocelyn had a ball ripping those open for me!

I saw Bailey thinking intently about something & asked him to share his thoughts. He told an idea he had about the box. He wanted to turn it into a boat!!

So I cut the lid parts of it - to make the paddles - & sent them on their way up the river!

They loved this! & it kept them occupied for about .... 5 mintues!

Oh, to be a kid again!

Peace out

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Krazy Kolours

Just over a year ago, I quit smoking. One of the hardest parts was breaking the habit. All the times that I would normally have a cigarette, I would desperately find something else to do/eat/drink otherwise I would be struck with the worst cravings that almost had me give in multiple times.

I thought by avoiding coffee it would be easier, as I always had a cigarette with my coffee. But I found it harder because I was cutting out 2 addictions essentially. So I kept the coffee & that seemed to help a bit.

The main thing that got me through it, apart from my own family & health, especially since we had planned for another baby, was the memories of my dear Nana who passed away December 2008 from Cancer.

Nights were the worst as this was when I smoked the most. Soon enough I could satisfy my cravings with chocolate at night times, & a coffee throughout the day.

Once Maximus came along though, he tolerated the coffee, but would get a belly ache with the chocolate. I began to panic. I was sure I could do without it, but was worried the cigarette cravings would return.

One day while we were grocery shopping I spotted this funky looking ice cream called 'Krazy Kolors' - Matt decided to get it, but I wasn't a big ice cream fan so I wasn't fussed. That night Matt offered me a taste from his bowl of Krazy Kolors. The taste was better than any ice cream I had ever tasted! It was DELICIOUS!!!!! And the best bit - Maximus loves it too!

So, now, every night once the kids are in bed, I get my bowl of Krazy Kolors - Bliss!

Peace Out

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Babysitter Bailey!

When Bailey was 2 years & 4 months he became a big brother for the first time. He was excellent with Jocelyn & completely adored her.

I did once however, get to her just in the nick of time as Bailey dropped her on the tiles when she was only weeks old! He just wanted to cuddle her & had picked her up off her rocker & just as I walked back into the room she slipped from his grasp. From then on he only asked to hold her when I was there with him.

When Cooper came along just 16 months later he was even better. He just loved helping me with Cooper. He got so excited when Cooper learnt to sit up & crawl, & eventually walk.

When I was first pregnant with Maximus we wanted to keep it quiet for a bit so we had to watch what we said in front of Bailey. But he was smarter than us & one day we decided to see if he knew & asked him if he knew anyone that was having a baby. He casually said "Yeah, Mummy is." So much for fooling the 5 year old!

Bailey is such a kind, caring & loving boy. During my pregnancy he would love to feel the baby move in my tummy & would be in hysterics (alone with Jocelyn & Cooper) when the baby would kick his hand or do a massive body roll & my belly would jump & jiggle. At night when I put him to bed, he would stand on his bed to give me a kiss & cuddle so I wouldn't have to bend down. He would 'rub' my feet when they were sore & help me up off the couch when I was too fat to do it myself!

When Maximus was born Bailey was in the room with us (as he had requested to be!) & while I was moaning through the contractions he would stick his fingers in his ears, but have the massive grin on his face the whole time, & once in between contractions was telling Grandma (my lovely mother) that having a baby was hard work & that's why Mummy was making so much noise. Once Maxi was earthside he was instantly by my side at the pool, checking the new baby out!

Anyway - I'm going on a tangent!

Bailey has been an ever awesomer helper with Maximus. When Maxi is fussing & I'm busy all I have to do is ask Bailey to talk to him & he usually starts smiling & coo'ing!

Tonight I was laying on the couch with Maximus & Matt asked me to help him dish dinner out so I got up to put Max down & help Matt when Bailey perked up. "I can look after him for you, Mum," he said. I went to say that 'No' it's OK I'll put him in his bed" when I changed my mind.

I put Max on Bailey's lap while Bailey played the Wii & Max was MORE than happy to sit there & watch, & grab at the controls!

It was soooooo adorable! So of course - I got pics!

I have so much love for all of my children, it's hard to imagine just how much more I can love them when I already love them so very much!!!

Love, Love, Love!!!

Peace out

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rain Rain, Go Away!

So today is the official first day of the school holiday & what happens? It rains!!!!

Gone are our plans of playing at the park for half of the day!

Gone are the plans of sending the older 3 outside to scream & shout so lamb can sleep in peace!

Gone are the plans of 10 loads of washing!

Gone, Gone, Gone!

There is only so much colouring, painting, block building & pizza shop playing that kids can do! Soon enough they were bored - so we ventured off to the shops for a bit. A potentially dangerous outing, but at least the kids weren't bored!

Matt went & did his usual game scouting in EB games & the kids tagged along & of course they came out with 2 new games. Matt had found a fun looking kitchen/cooking game for the Wii that he thought the kids would like.

I am not a fan of the kids playing on the Wii too much - but on a day like today & after exhausting the usual activities, why the heck not?!

Once we get home, I'm not sure who is more excited about this new game - Matt or the kids. "Let me just scope it out for you first kids," he says to the kids - 20 minutes later he's stil 'scoping it out'!

The kids finally get a turn & they love it! I was in hysterics watching them shake the Wii remote in a chopping motion as they had to chop veggies up on the game! Then came more laughter as they attempted to flip pancakes in the air & then catch them again - I'll have you know Jocelyn was better than Matt with that one!

So all in all - t'was a fun, non-bored afternoon!

Peace out

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stop & count to 10!

9 Days ago Matt quit his job. It was only a relatively new job (he began it in January this year) - but it was quickly draining his soul - his words. He was constantly miserable & turned into a man I barely reognised some days. So after weeks of debating whether to quit or not, the stars aligned & on the Thursday he heard back from 2 jobs for contract work, which is what he wanted so he could work from home. So the very next day he quit!

Almost instantly he was a changed man. He smiled more frequently & I even heard him laugh!

He got some work that morning & by Friday night, he had an interview lined up for the next week! Everything was working out.

The first hiccup was underestimating how long a job would take, resulting in Matt turning up to the interview empty handed. No biggie - Matt finished the job & sent it away. All good.

Next, there was a minor miscommunication resulting in a small job being given to someone else. All good, not to worry.

Further, the 2nd place that had work for Matt haven't gotten back to him. Alrighty - they're probably busy, will give them some more time before worrying too much.

And now - drum roll please!

The last & final straw that has broken the camels back ...

His work computer has $h!t itself!!!!!!!!!

Oh & that's not all - it's also *just* out of warranty!!

Bugger, bum, poo bum, bugger!!!!!

Peace out

Saturday, September 18, 2010

You might be needing this ...

First day of school holidays today & already the kids are bored!

I had orders to finish so Matt was the primary parent for a little while today. I have to admit he is a good husband & Daddy. He has learnt how to read Lamb & recognise what he needs & is now able to put Lamb to sleep without bring him to me to feed to sleep. Which is very convenient for me, so I don't have to keep stopping what I'm doing.

Mind you Lamb doesn't have a chance to stay asleep for long as the other kids LOVE to be noisy! Especially when they know their little brother is in bed! We send them outside - but their boisterous chatter & laughter seeps in the windows & finds it's way to Maximus' little ears!

Once I had finished my orders I decided to take the family to the park so the older kids could burn off their crazy energy & Lamb could get a decent sleep in the car & mei tai once we got there. OH & so I could get some more lovely outdoor photos! (I have a new addiction/obsession of photography!).

So we pile the kids in, get the camera & set off to find a lovely park with a gorgeous 'back drop'.

We drive past one park, the kids eagerly ask "Can we play at that one?" - I glance, it's dark & hidden. Nope, not this one.

The kids sigh.

We cruise up to another one. "What about this one?" They ask. I glance around - it's packed with other families. I'm funny about taking pictures around other people's kids - don't want them to think I am photographing stranger's kids. Nope, not this one.

More sighs resonate from the back of the car.

We pull up to a third park - the kids unenthusiastically glance up but don't bother asking. "Everybody out!" I call. Within seconds the kids are unbuckled & running towards the playground. Matt goes ahead with the oldest three & I put Lamb (asleep finally!) into the mei tai & grab the camera out.

As I'm walking towards the playground I see a perfect photo opportunity & pull out the camera, turn it on & take aim. Hmm, the button didn't work, I pull it away from my eye & see some writing on the digital display. I glance closer & my heart sinks.

"No SD card inserted" it says.


In my mind I catch a quick flash back to my laptop. In the side of my laptop is the USB card reader. In that USB card reader is the SD card that I need RIGHT NOW!!!!!

No, No, No, NO!

Matt glances at me & asks if everything is OK, I shake my head & walk back to the car to put the camera back. When I make it to Matt he is confused. I explain it to him & what does he do? Has a bit of a giggle & says "Oh damn". I'll give him 'oh damn' bloody little ...

Then of course I see SO many opportunity for some beautiful photos & my good mood is soon a distant memory.

While we are putting the kids back in the car I say to Matt that we should put a spare SD card in the car or my bag or something. He says "Like this one?" I glace in the rear vision mirror & he is holding up a spare SD card!!!! Apparently there was already one in the bag, I hadn't even thought to look!

Even though the kids are all strapped in, it's getting late & looks like it's about to rain, I have a brief thought of dragging them back out again now!

Instead I sulk all the way home, I'm sure I will laugh about this eventually, but right now - not so much.

At least I'll never forget the SD card ever again!!!

Peace out

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ahoy there me hearties!

Today was the last day of Term 3 for Bailey boy.

I cannot believe he only has one more term to go & then he has finished his first year of school. It has just flown by. Bailey has thrived since beginning school. He is like a sponge - he loves to learn anything & everything. I love how much of an effort he puts into learning & school.

He has astounded me with his reading abilities! He is such a clever darling & watching him grow & learn is just amazing.

Anyway - I'm bragging again.

Today was also 'Pirate Day' at school. Bailey & his class mates were allowed to dress up as pirates for today. So this morning he eagerly got dressed in his pirate costume we bought him yesterday, ignoring the fact that it was slightly too big on him.

After begrudgingly standing for photos for the annoying mother, Bailey was all set & was on his way to join the rest of his crew on their ship!

When I picked him up, he didn't seem as happy as I thought he would be after today. I asked him what was wrong & he explained to me that *everyone* else had an eye patch, but he didn't. 


So I quickly thought on my feet & had another *Light Bulb* moment. I questioned him about why he thinks pirates have eye patches & he told me that it was because their eyes were shot - trying to hide the shock from my face- I nodded & went on to explain that they had bad eyes, so they had to wear eye patches & therefore couldn't see very well


Bailey didn't have an eye patch because he had two PERFECT, working eyes & therefore *could* see - in fact he could see better than his crew members!

I don't know how or why, but it worked & Bailey seemed satisfied with that answer!!

PHEW! Crisis averted!

Peace out

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jocelyn's Messy.

This morning while Matty & I were chatting away we could hear the distant barking of our border collie X cattle dog, Bessy. We didn't think too much of it, but then Matty stopped what he was doing & looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Is that one of ours?" He asked me. "Yeah, it's Bessy," I told him without much thought. But then I noticed she sounded different. "But it doesn't sound like she's in the yard." I added. Matty listened thoughtfully for a second & agreed so got up to check. I was feeding Maximus so I stayed on the couch.

When I heard the urgency in Matt's footsteps coming back down the hallway, I knew what he was going to say before he said it. "Yep, they've gotten out." He said. Crap. They'd broken the pailing on next doors fence & gotten out through their yard. Thing is - those neighbours have a bunch of chickens in their yard. Double crap.

Matty went for a drive to see if he could see them while I waited. Nothing.

After a few minutes we thought we could hear them in the bush over the road, so Matty went for a walk to see if he could see/hear them over there. Nothing.

About an hour later I heard Matty coming out of his office so I poked my head out of my door way & he nodded towards the window in the dining & when I looked I saw my fellow red headed, best bud Apollo. He had come back.

We all ran outside, so glad to see him, but he looked very guilty. Looking around I realised something. No Bessy. I looked next door to see if maybe she was there. Nope. Out on the road. Nope. I listened to see if I could hear her. Nope.

We decided to wait a bit & if she wasn't back by the time Cooper woke from his nap we would go for a drive to find her. A little while later I hear a little girl calling someone. I soon realise it is my dear Jocelyn, standing out in the backyard, in tears, calling for her best friend, Bessy, to come home. My heart ached at this sight & I grabbed Jo & held her close. "I want my Messy." She managed through tears.

We drove around. Nothing.

She wasn't wearing her collar, she isn't microchipped either. We will be putting posters up & asking around etc. What else could we do?

Messy - please come back, your JoJo misses you terribly & would like a cuddle.

That is all.

Peace out


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Unexpected Poo!

Before you start reading, I must warn that this entry contains POO talk - if this makes you squimish (or if you're eating) - turn back now!

Maximus has been a weekly poo'er for a few weeks now & it's great, because I can usually judge when he is going to do one (i.e. smelly farts - excuse the bluntness) & be well prepared for the explosion. I should have clued on that this pattern was changing when he started going every day or so recently.

Anyway, blissfully unaware, Matt & I decided to take the kids to the park after school today for some fun. On the way there in the car Maximus was rather vocal but I figured he was just tired & would soon fall asleep. I was right. When we arrived at the park we sent the 3 older kids on their merry way to the playground by the water. I wrap the Mei Tai around my waist & unbuckle Maximus from his car seat when I catch a wiff of something. I take another intentional sniff. Yep, he's either soiled himself, or let off a stinky - I was so hoping for the latter. I gently pry open the side of his nappy & yep, there is the almighty yellow POOP!

That's OK I tell myself, I can just change him in the back of the car, no worries. 'Dear', I say to Matt, 'could you pass me Maximus' backpack & PLEASE tell me there are wipes in there'.
I am positive I packed nappies but unsure about the wipes status. Matt looks. Then glances up at me & after a few seconds, shakes his head. Bugger.

So I have 2 options - 1) Gather the 3 older children back into the car & head to shops for some wipes or just go straight home, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Which naturally will be met with screams of protest, followed by more screaming with the chance of tantrums.
2) Leave the children completely unaware that their fun was ever threatened to come to an abrupt end before it had really begun & dig around the car & find SOMETHING to wipe the baby's bum with.

I glance around & spot a bottle of water. *Light bulb* I'm sure I saw a prefold here somewhere! Yep, there is it, used last for a spit cloth for Maxi - it's still good.

So I go about putting Maximus on the back seat & preparing myself for the worse as I unsnap his nappy - all the while Maximus has the biggest smile on his adorable face. I open it. It's not so bad after all!

I go to wet the prefold with the bottled water & realise that this was only just bought from the shop = COLD water! Oh well, Maximus is gonna have a frozen toosh for a few mins! He doesn't complain. Wipe it all off, pop it in the wet bag, pop a lovely, clean nappy on him & we are ready to rock and roll!

We had a great time at the park after that - moral of the story?

ALWAYS be prepared for the unexpected!

Peace out

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I knew something was up with my Bailey boy yesterday when I picked him up from school - in fact Matt had said that Bailey seemed off that morning when Matt was droping him at school also. I kept asking him if there was something wrong but he just told me that he had hurt his knee running around.

Come bed time Bailey was still awake almost 2 hours after he was supposed to be asleep. I caught him sneaking back to bed after getting a drink from the kitchen & stopped him in the hallway to have a chat. I squatted down to him & asked him why he wasn't asleep yet. He bowed his head, but didn't say anything. I asked him if he would tell me what was bothering him & he looked up at me slowly & as his lower lip trembled he told me that he couldn't. I started worrying & insisting that he could tell me. His eyes began to water & his lip tembled some more as he told me that he still couldn't because it was too sad. My eyes started welling up at this. I gave him a big hug &reassured him that he could always tell me what upsets him, no matter how sad it is & that everything will be OK. So he started talking. Turns out he had bad dreams the night before about people with guns killing all the little children & every one else & was terrified that he would see it again this night. I tried to hold back tears as I held him tight in my arms. Bailey then told Matt what he told me & Matt nodded & said that Bailey had told him the same thing that morning at school! My poor Bailey - this had been playing on his mind all day & now he was terrified to even try to go to sleep for fear of seeing the same nasty things again!

Matt & I reassured him that he wouldn't see that again tonight. We imagined up a lovely dream about Movie World (he has asked to go there on his holidays) that he would see tonight instead. He seemed happy with this & fell asleep as soon as he got back into his bed.

This morning when I asked him what he dreamt about he told me happily that he had a dream about Movie World! Thank Goodness!