Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Unexpected Poo!

Before you start reading, I must warn that this entry contains POO talk - if this makes you squimish (or if you're eating) - turn back now!

Maximus has been a weekly poo'er for a few weeks now & it's great, because I can usually judge when he is going to do one (i.e. smelly farts - excuse the bluntness) & be well prepared for the explosion. I should have clued on that this pattern was changing when he started going every day or so recently.

Anyway, blissfully unaware, Matt & I decided to take the kids to the park after school today for some fun. On the way there in the car Maximus was rather vocal but I figured he was just tired & would soon fall asleep. I was right. When we arrived at the park we sent the 3 older kids on their merry way to the playground by the water. I wrap the Mei Tai around my waist & unbuckle Maximus from his car seat when I catch a wiff of something. I take another intentional sniff. Yep, he's either soiled himself, or let off a stinky - I was so hoping for the latter. I gently pry open the side of his nappy & yep, there is the almighty yellow POOP!

That's OK I tell myself, I can just change him in the back of the car, no worries. 'Dear', I say to Matt, 'could you pass me Maximus' backpack & PLEASE tell me there are wipes in there'.
I am positive I packed nappies but unsure about the wipes status. Matt looks. Then glances up at me & after a few seconds, shakes his head. Bugger.

So I have 2 options - 1) Gather the 3 older children back into the car & head to shops for some wipes or just go straight home, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Which naturally will be met with screams of protest, followed by more screaming with the chance of tantrums.
2) Leave the children completely unaware that their fun was ever threatened to come to an abrupt end before it had really begun & dig around the car & find SOMETHING to wipe the baby's bum with.

I glance around & spot a bottle of water. *Light bulb* I'm sure I saw a prefold here somewhere! Yep, there is it, used last for a spit cloth for Maxi - it's still good.

So I go about putting Maximus on the back seat & preparing myself for the worse as I unsnap his nappy - all the while Maximus has the biggest smile on his adorable face. I open it. It's not so bad after all!

I go to wet the prefold with the bottled water & realise that this was only just bought from the shop = COLD water! Oh well, Maximus is gonna have a frozen toosh for a few mins! He doesn't complain. Wipe it all off, pop it in the wet bag, pop a lovely, clean nappy on him & we are ready to rock and roll!

We had a great time at the park after that - moral of the story?

ALWAYS be prepared for the unexpected!

Peace out

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