Monday, September 27, 2010


For a few days Matt had been hinting at the fact that he really wanted to go sit by the water & fish & chips for dinner one night soon. But it hadn't happened - too cold, too late, kids are too cranky etc etc

So yesterday I forgot to lift any meat out for dinner so we decided to get some fish & chips & head for the park by the water to eat.

Not long after we arrived I noticed Bailey jumping around in his seat. I asked him what was wrong - even though I knew what it was. He needed to do a wee!

The last few weeks Bailey has gotten into this really bad habit of, when we are out of the house, holding it for as long as possible & *then* tells me he needs to go! So usually it's a 'pull over NOW' & then he wee's on the closest tree (or wheel of the car, or just plain old on the road/footpath!) - not the most ideal situation but it's either that or a soaking wet car seat & a completely upset, humiliated little person.

So anyway, when he told me he needed to wee on this night, I knew we wouldn't make it to the toilets that were a fair way away. So I glanced around to make sure no one was around & then told him to quickly go & wee on the big tree.

A really cheeky, sly grin crossed his face as I said this. I mean, tell a kid he can pee on a gigantic tree & they're gonna think it's pretty cool, but there was something else in Bailey's eye that made this idea even more appealing. When I asked him what he was thinking he proudly announced "This is gonna make the tree grow *really* well!", then with another smirk, walked over & did his part to help out this tree.

The only thing was - this wasn't a small tree & didn't particularly need any help growing - but who am I to burst his bubble?

Peace out

P.S. He's not really wee'ing in this pic - it's a re-enactment *wink*

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