Monday, September 20, 2010

Rain Rain, Go Away!

So today is the official first day of the school holiday & what happens? It rains!!!!

Gone are our plans of playing at the park for half of the day!

Gone are the plans of sending the older 3 outside to scream & shout so lamb can sleep in peace!

Gone are the plans of 10 loads of washing!

Gone, Gone, Gone!

There is only so much colouring, painting, block building & pizza shop playing that kids can do! Soon enough they were bored - so we ventured off to the shops for a bit. A potentially dangerous outing, but at least the kids weren't bored!

Matt went & did his usual game scouting in EB games & the kids tagged along & of course they came out with 2 new games. Matt had found a fun looking kitchen/cooking game for the Wii that he thought the kids would like.

I am not a fan of the kids playing on the Wii too much - but on a day like today & after exhausting the usual activities, why the heck not?!

Once we get home, I'm not sure who is more excited about this new game - Matt or the kids. "Let me just scope it out for you first kids," he says to the kids - 20 minutes later he's stil 'scoping it out'!

The kids finally get a turn & they love it! I was in hysterics watching them shake the Wii remote in a chopping motion as they had to chop veggies up on the game! Then came more laughter as they attempted to flip pancakes in the air & then catch them again - I'll have you know Jocelyn was better than Matt with that one!

So all in all - t'was a fun, non-bored afternoon!

Peace out

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